The Encyclopedia of Epic Myths and Legends: Absolutely Captivating

The Encyclopedia of Epic Myths and Legends

This is a book that I'd gift my children and grand-children. It's that good. The book is an inkling into the world of myths and folktales. It delves into myths from across the world from roman, greek myths to Egyptian, Japanese and South American tales. The common fabric that binds all the myths is captivating. It begins with myths about the creation of the universe and moves into stories of heroes and monsters. Every story leaves the reader wonderstruck and wanting to know more. The stories of heroes like Chi Li is awe-inspiring and teeming with bravery, courage and sinew. 

Comparing the stories with Indian myths was a joyful experience, especially at moments when I could find similarities between the other tales and the Indian ones. I read the book in three sittings. The story of the strict ancestors and their stringent rules and the uncommon thinkers like Socrates will surely stay with us. I'd highly recommend this book for those who love good stories and are curious about the universe. 


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