5 classy things to do if you can't afford travel

Traveling around the world is almost everyone's dream. The knowledge that we absorb during our travel journeys stick with us for a lifetime. Most of our yearning for travel is palpable and relatable. But not all of us can afford those expensive vacations. Some of us simply don't have the time to travel often. We can obtain a similar soul satisfying experiences from a few other endeavours when travel isn't on our cards. Here I list 7 classy things to do when you can't afford travel. 

1. Read books📚, travel books, magazines and everything you love to devour: When we can't travel, we read. Books are a great way to escape into another world. The joy of swimming through a good book is something only book lovers can vouch for. Travel books proffer an experience that is very close to getting transported to another world. In fact, it's much better than watching travel shows, although you can combine the two for an unforgettable experience. 

2. Focus on fitness: Well, this is not an alternative to travel. But, focussing on fitness keeps our dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin in the right balance. Find a nearby park and run across the pathway. Join a yoga class or simply prance around to some fast beat music. Begin a morning routine with breathing exercises, yoga and meditation. The tranquility that focussing on the inner self brings is next to none. 

3. Play a sport: When we pick up a hobby it ensues into such an enriching journey that can be similar to the kick you get when you travel. Join a tennis club, badminton club or even a chess club. Watch the sport carefully and get better with ever shot. 

4. Pick up any hobby that you like: From art to learning an instrument, pick up any hobby you like. Try an array of hobbies before you choose the one that's close to your heart. You can even learn a new language, play brain games like sudoku or crossword to add quality living into your routine. 

5. Delve into culinary ecstasy🍲: One of the reasons we travel is to experience different cuisines. So, bring home varied cuisines by trying new recipes and enjoy it with your family. 

So, try any or all of these and enhance your quality of life.  Also, make sure to save up for that annual vacation. You will thank yourself for that. 


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