Self help techniques to improve efficiency

I recollect that the first self-help book that I read was in school, years back. It was Stephen Covey's "7 habits of highly effective people". It was only recently that I read my second self-help book "Atomic habits". I realised that the techniques taught in these books have to be read, re-read and practiced. I decided to share four techniques that have helped improve my efficiency. I hope this helps. 

1. 5 minute rule

Ali Abdal in his video talks about the 5 minute rule. He says it has two components. First, if you are procrastinating, do what you want to do (emailing, progressing in work or anything in your to do) for 5 minutes and you end up continuing the task. The second aspect is that 5 minutes is way better than nothing. If you exercise for 5 minutes a day, it's better than living a completely sedentary life. 

2. Pomodoro technique

This is a Japanese technique that says that one has to work for 25 minutes and rest for 5 minutes. Instead of scrolling social media during the 5 minutes, one can look out at the window or 20 feet away for 20 seconds. You may also do some deep breathing during this time like the 4-7-8 rule. As per this rule, breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and breathe out for 8 seconds. I work for 50 minutes straight and take a ten minutes break. It helps me function better. 

3.  Focus on your circle of Influence

One of the most important lessons that I learnt from Stephen Covey's book is that effective people focus on their circle of influence--that which they can change. They do not focus on the circle of concern--those conditions that they cannot change. This helps us work without distraction and keep anxiety at bay. Sometimes, when the need warrants we must attempt to widen our circle of influence for greater good. But, at all times it's very important to be equanimous. For this, music and meditation can help. 

4. Make a checklist and keep ticking it off

I love ticking the 'to do's' on my checklist.



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