The Getaway List: Keeps us hooked


TomRiley, RileyTom--"Two parts built to make one whole" writes Emma. Tom and Riley are best friends. To describe them, they are what best friends are--inseparable and deeply entangled. 

Riley's first person narration renders the feel of a personal diary. It's fun, honest and unputdownable. The book begins with her trip to New York to kickstart a journey ticking off 'The Getaway List".  The list is their bucket list and it's exciting and inspiring. I wouldn't want to talk more about the list because I hate spoilers. But, I can assure you that you will love Tom and Riley's time together in New York. The warmth that they share blossoms a yearning amongst us--the ladies--to have someone like Tom in our life.  

The narration is easy on the reader. There are a few moments where the book gets monotonous. But, the excitement of "The Getaway List" keeps us hooked. Furthermore, the good news is that there’s more to the book than just TomRiley. A pang of curiosity strikes as we near the mid as to what may ensue. This is particularly because the first half doesn’t reveal the plot. However, the second half wasn’t very great—particularly because it was predictable.

Emma’s story is woven with wonderful range of characters leading interesting lives. She elegantly portrays life in New York. Her writing especially the metaphors are impressive. But, as mentioned above the plot was predictable. It’s a book to escape to New York to meet interesting people. Overall, I’d give it 3.5/5.



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