Matilda: Magical and Inspiring

All of us who read Matilda will instantaneously fall in love with her. Her brilliant mind leaves us intrigued. I am certain that the list of books Matilda manages to read in the first six months when she visits the public library will inspire every reader to read and re-read Charles Dickens, Jane Eyre, Ernest Hemingway and many other classics. The book and the movie are very popular. I don't even think there is a need for me to review it. But, this ones for those who haven't read or watched Matilda. 

Matilda is a five year old who almost self-teaches herself everything: reading, cooking and taking care of herself. She is honest, intelligent and deserves all the love in the world; unfortunately, she has parents who are selfish and cunning. A sense of despondence lingers in Matilda's heart each time she thinks of her parents who look at her like she is stupid; on the contrary, she is a little bundle of brilliance. 

The jocular portions of the book where she tries to teach her parents a lesson is fun and we almost want Matilda to win each time. Her time at school, the lovely Miss Honey and her friend Lavender create a warm feeling among the readers until the treacherous Miss Trunchbull enters. Matilda is appalled by the actions of Miss Trunchbull. Finally, magic meanders its way into Matilda's life and blesses her with all that she ever wanted. The journey to a happy and tranquil life is something worth experiencing. Like all other readers, I ended with a smile--happy for Matilda and Miss Honey. 


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