Apple Ginger Dates Juice: Special

 Juices are healthy and tasty. When we feel like experiencing the staycation joy or the Sunday brunch feeling, then opt for juices: apple ginger dates juice, orange juice, blueberry watermelon juice and so on. This is a recipe for Apple, ginger and dates juice: 

  • Soak 2 de-seeded dates in water for 2-3 hours;
  • Cut 2 apples into pieces as in the photo above;
  • Cut 1/2 inch ginger;
  • Transfer the dates (along with the water), apples and ginger into a blender;
  • Blend it well for 3 minutes along with 150 ml water;
  • Sieve it to separate the fibre:
  • Add a pinch of salt and the apple, ginger and dates juice is ready; 
Try it out and let me know how it tastes :)


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