The award-winning bestseller, The Secret Barrister: inspiring, realistic and honest

An eye-opening and honest depiction of the criminal justice system in England and Wales from a practicing criminal barrister. The ineffable agony of the victims who get reeled in and the day-to-day struggles of the criminal barristers--who choose the profession passioned with a purpose to keep our streets safe and to work for justice--is palpably appalling. The book also briefly includes interesting research comparing various criminal justice systems. The author narrates the reality of how broken the system is--especially, due to issues of competency, bias, lack of sufficient legal aid and the nonchalance of "the fixers" and also highlights the positives at the Crown Court stage as some of the brightest and sharpest get recruited as Judges. The style of narration is gripping with detailed descriptions of court-room trials and the investigation process. Some of the stories will leave us in tears. Many of us will experience the state of mind of the author--who having completed the first decade in the field--describes it as being neither idealistic nor cynical. People living idyllic lives will be shocked to learn about the gravity of the pain of the victims and the moral struggles of the criminal barristers who have to give their best knowing that there are lives at stake—especially, while defending seemingly guilty accused. The depth of the truth and the passion with which the author narrates will inspire all lawyers and law-students to appreciate the supreme sublimity in the concept of justice, the rule of law, and the Magna Carta. The author concludes with a critical note that the 'world of law' is still to match up with the 'world of justice' as we walk towards light. How very true, indeed! This is one book that I will re-read for sure.

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