Consciousness—A graphic guide by David Papineau

The book is an exciting attempt to explain the phenomenal concept of consciousness through graphics and simple narration. The examples based writing makes it a must-read. It’s short and gripping. It begins with distinguishing subjective and objective aspects of consciousness. Subjective aspects being feelings—and objective aspects being brain’s psychological role and physical makeup. Further, the book discusses that the conscious mind, which represents reality, exists beyond space and time. Furthermore, in my understanding, the crux rests in the statement, “I think, therefore I am”, and that pre-established harmony allows causal influences downwards from mind to brain. In other words, the conscious mind that runs according to the laws of physics—and not just prior physical causes—have the power to influence the brain. The book then delineates various concepts of consciousness as postulated by philosophers: materialists, dualists and  mysterians. Lastly, the book discusses consciousness from a scientific angle and the part that equates consciousness to quantum mechanics (and indeterminism i.e. god playing dice) is interesting, as well. Overall, the book helps us gain an inkling of the vast concept of consciousness


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