Basic key to fitness

Most of today’s generation are lumbering their way up—scrambling for success—with little or no concern for physical and mental health. Sometimes, it’s just not fair to blame ourselves. Pressures and the challenges of the real world are pulling us towards a sedentary life combined with unhealthy dietary practices. 

It in indeed unfortunate that under-nutrition is prevalent across regions, regardless of financial status; although, the situation has slowly begun ameliorating over the last many years due to the efforts of health awareness advocates. Simple exercises along with a balanced diet are, in my view, sufficient for good health. 

This write-up may help busy career professionals, who wish to keep it simple:

The four basic essentials for a complete exercise regime are: 

1. Warm-up, stretching  & Suryanamaskar

I follow the FFD program warm up sessions. It’s a wonderful program. Basic guidance is available on YouTube.

As for stretching, leading nutrition expert Mrs. Rujuta Diwekar wonderfully explains the importance of stretching in her YouTube video—‘5 daily stretches for everyone’. Many organisations are incorporating raised tables for members to stand and work. Although it’s nice, as Mrs. Diwekar points out, standing for long, stiffens our muscles. Hence, stretching is essential. Please add the brilliant ‘Soleus Stretch’ to keep your calf muscles (the second heart) strong. For those with knee issues, please consult your physician. Furthermore, people aged over 50 with health issues, should preferably stick to warm-up, stretches, regular walking, healthy food in limited quantities & Pranayama. I saw my health stabilise with just these basic steps when enduring physical trauma.

Coming to Suryanamaskar, it is indeed divine. Practice the asanas in the mornings or evenings. I follow ‘Aditya’s World of Fitness’ on YouTube. Carefully follow the steps, please, along with some music, preferably under physical supervision. Please note that hypertension patients are advised not to practice Suryanamaskar. Hence, the Soleus Stretch comes to everyone’s rescue and is essential! Combine these with 30 minutes of daily walking. Commuting to the train station or grocery shopping would do, as well.

2. Favourite cardio 

Secondly, choose a favourite cardio: skipping, swimming, cycling, zumba, brisk walking or running. 

I recollect a friend mentioning how dancing works wonders—I concur. Just create a fast beats playlist and dance your way to solitary ecstasy for 15 minutes a day. I love skipping and dancing. Please ensure that you introduce cardio a month after step 1. 

3. Body-weight strength training 

Along with cardio, some body weight strength training is essential. I highly prefer equipment-free body-weight strength training over resistance-bands and weights. Daily lunges and squats help. Ladies, Holly Dolke’s ‘Jumping Jack weight loss workout’ video combines cardio with strength training. It’s brilliant! 

4. Meditation and Pranayama

Most importantly, mediation and pranayama are blissful and calming. I practice them daily. Baba Ram Dev’s pranayama sessions online have helped multitudes.

I also listen to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s meditation session and lectures. They’re calming and transformative.

Combine these with some relaxation music, whether in solitude or with family and friends, and you’d definitely notice positive change. All it takes is 30 minutes a day😊

Have a happy Easter vacation!


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