Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone: Engaging and Magical

I come from the generation that read Harry Potter books just after release. Sadly, I hadn’t read the first book until very recently; but, I had watched the movie and was always contemplating re-reading the Potter books someday, to re-live those magical moments. Recently, my literary discussions with a voracious reader—older by a decade or so—left me transfixed and wonderstruck at learning how much the older adults love Rowling’s world of magic. Perhaps Tolkien has the same adoration! To my joy, the first book was available at a nominal price on Amazon’s Prime Reading and I read it there. It’s also available for free on Openlibrary. I urge other readers to contribute to Openlibrary, as well. It’s so very important to have at least some brilliant books and uplifting academic research materials for free to bridge the reading inequities in the world and to build intellectually empowered youth.

Talking about the book, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I must say that it’s one of Rowling’s best in terms of writing. She perhaps wrote the first book keeping in mind British readers; and hence the writing is authentically so very British. The book ensnares us into the wonders of Hogwarts—the best school of magic—spawns hope and leaves us mesmerised with an admixture of warm themes: good friendships, courage, compassion, and mother’s love. The nerdy Hermoine, I am certain, has inspired several nerd-readers. Harry’s new world away from Privet Drive seems like every child’s dream and the heroism is admirable. Ron and the rest of the Weasley family are fun and loving. The foolish misunderstandings towards a strict and stoic but weird character teaches us not to assume or judge people, while also being careful. 

The stories of heroism are indeed inspiring, but in today’s real world going by the rule-book and actioning through legal channels is necessary and preferable. The chasm in the two worlds may seem wide; however, in reality we are all, in a way, living in almost similar worlds with almost similar emotions. 

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