Unique, simple & sumptuous vegetarian wraps for a quick meal

As a child, I was a very picky eater. Capsicums rarely made it to my plate. I began including them after I tasted Subway maize wraps in France. The combination of raw vegetables and cheese was delectable. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find maize wraps in Subways in other places. So, I began preparing them with whole wheat flattened breads, yogurt and some other ingredients.

I had started cooking back in law school. Once I began practicing, I couldn’t allocate time for cooking regularly. Moreover, I love my mother’s cooking. So, I didn’t find the need to cook. It was only during my Masters that cooking became an exhilarating hobby. In the first few months, I had survived on flattened rice, yogurt, and pickle, while some of my classmates ate nutritious and wholesome food. Being inspired, I began making wraps regularly. I love preparing food from scratch. So, I opted for the whole wheat flattened bread called chapathi in India. It becomes easy if we prepare the dough during weekends and store them for 2-3 days in the refrigerator. Some fermentation is always good for the gut. You may find buying tortillas easier, if life is very busy; although, I would recommend chapathi as a healthier alternative. 

Here is the recipe:

  • Wash 1/4th of a cabbage and 3 bell peppers—I add red, green and yellow;
  • Cottage cheese, kidney beans, olives, jalapeños and corn can be included in a small quantity, if you desire;
  • Cut them into small pieces like in the photograph below;
  • Juliennes are fine, as well; 
  • Stir fry the vegetables on medium heat for 5 minutes; 
  • You may sauté the cabbage initially for 3 minutes and then add the bell peppers; 
  • Add salt as per taste and a teaspoon of red chilly powder, if you desire;
  • Place a cooked chapathi/tortilla on a rolling-board;
  • Evenly spread one tablespoon of yogurt and half a teaspoon of Hellmann’s honey and mustard salad dressing over the flattened bread;
  • You may exclude the mustard sauce and opt for homemade hummus and vinegar to prepare vegan wraps; I prefer yogurt over cheese for this recipe to include probiotics in my food;
  • Fill the central part with the stir fried vegetables;
  • Sprinkle dried oregano, red chilly flakes and mixed Italian herbs; 
  • The quantity mentioned above for the stuffing is sufficient for 6-7 flattened breads;
  • Wrap as many flattened breads as you desire and serve them with tomato sauce or chilly garlic sauce;
  • It’s quick, easy and absolutely delicious;
  • It serves 4 people.  
The recipe with yogurt is my personal favourite. The blend of bell peppers and yogurt adds a comforting touch to the recipe. But, you can also try the recipe with hummus. Here's the wrap with hummus. Hummus is made with protein-rich chickpeas and is extremely healthy. I will share the recipe in some time. I love including cucumbers along with the hummus wrap. It's a wholesome meal with proteins and a range of vitamins. The layer of vegetarian mayonaise is an option. The nice thing about wraps are that they're quick, tasty and extremely healthy. Kids would love it. Try it out and let me know how it tastes. 



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